Donated by: Erin Murphy (Erin Murphy Literary Agency)
Item Description: For all those writers wondering "How do I get my polished and perfect manuscript in front of an agent?" here's your chance. Erin Murphy, a leading children's book agent
who no longer does conference critiques is offering this rare opportunity -- a critique of the first 50 pages of a middle-grade or YA novel, or up to 5 different picture book manuscripts. Erin will provide gentle and specific feedback and suggestions and follow-up interaction if needed. All to be completed by January 31, 2012. Don't pass up this incredible opportunity!!
For more information on Erin Murphy Literary Agency please visit:
Market Value: Priceless
Starting Bid: $10
lchardesty at yahoo dot com
mysteryrobin at gmail dot com
michele dot regenold at gmail dot com
snor at comcast dot net
What a treat. $40
Nikinaber at aol dot com
What a treat. $40
Nikinaber at aol dot com
Amazing. $50
Salima and Shelley - please add your e-mail addresses to your bids.
salima underscore bean at yahoo dot com
Hey Julie - I need your e-mail address entered with your bid.
Sorry - it's jhedlund33 at yahoo dot com
salima underscore bean at yahoo dot com
salima underscore bean at yahoo dot com
Wow, I'll bid $125
maryannjanecka at aol dot com
maureneh at msn dot com
jhedlund33 at yahoo dot com
Julie, my fellow critique partner, since I feel bad about outbidding you, if I win, I will split these five PB critiques with you. What do you think?
Hey Valerie - I love your thinking. But Erin's intent here is to be able to evaluate a body of work from one author, where she can get a sense of the author's overall strengths and areas needing work - thus making the critique more useful. So sharing this item won't work
In the meantime, to all of you, thanks for bidding. LIGHT UP THE LIBRARY is loving you.
Okay, Jean - Sorry Julie. I tried.
jhedlund33 at yahoo dot com
Valerie, you are very sweet. It does feel kind of bad bidding against friends but I promise if I win I'll share the experience/what I learn on the Critique Group Ning Network! :-)
jhedlund33 at yahoo dot com
Kim - you must enter your e-mail address with your bids.
Thank you,
oops, sorry.
kpfenni at gmail dot com
maryannjanecka at aol dot com
I noticed some of the bids are going up in $5 increments. The rules say bidding starts at $10, but nothing is mentioned about increment amounts. Is it supposed to be $10 too, or is a $5 increase okay?
I hope you make lots of $$$ for this wonderful cause!
jhedlund33 at yahoo dot com
$335. Thanks for this opportunity!
Forgot my email in the previous post. Sorry! Try again-$335.
wgreenley at comcast dot net
jhedlund33 at yahoo dot com
wgreenley at comcast dot net
oops $375
jhedlund33 at yahoo dot com
laurapgolden at gmail dot com
jhedlund33 at yahoo dot com
wgreenley at comcast dot net
jhedlund33 at yahoo dot com
wgreenley at comcast dot net
Julie and Wendy - I'm sorry but the final 2 bids came in on 11/19/11. Wendy, your bid at 11:59 P.M. on 11/18/11 for $530 is the last one I can accept. I'll be notifying all winners with payment instructions this weekend. Thank you for bidding.
Thank you, Jean! I'm so glad I set my alarm for 1:45AM to get up off the sofa and help build your library and improve my writing. I'll keep my eyes peeled for your payment info.
wgreenley at comcast dot net
The auction is now officially closed. Winners will be notified shortly and auction results will be posted soon. Thank you for participating.
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